Moskowitz Foundation “He Who Has Saved One Life,
It Is As If He Has Saved The World”
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Irving Moskowitz Foundation
Hawaiian Gardens CommunityEducationSportsReligious

Eagles Soccer Club: More than 150 youth from the Hawaiian Gardens community play on teams in the league which receives annual contributions from The Moskowitz Foundation. In addition to teaching skills to the community's youth, the Eagles Soccer Club teaches sportsmanship and working together off the field.

Hawaiian Gardens Little League: The Moskowitz Foundation has donated over $100,000 to the local little league so the residents of Hawaiian Gardens can enjoy America's national pastime. Making the most recent donation is Dr. Moskowitz (third from left, top row).

hawaiian gardens little league

As a former semi-professional baseball player, Dr. Moskowitz holds a special place in his heart for baseball, and believes that sports encourage success and teamwork.

Hawaiian Gardens Pop Warner Football: Annual donations from The Moskowitz Foundation enable Hawaiian Gardens' youth to participate in the largest youth football program in the U.S. Originally formed in 1929, the Pop Warner program emphasizes teamwork, discipline, academic excellence, and moral character.

Most recently, a $15,000 donation was made in November 2002 to this local football league to cover uniforms, footballs and uniforms for the cheerleaders.

hawaiian agrdens pop warner team Irving Moskowitz Foundation
2002 Hawaiian Gardens Pop Warner Teams, sponsored by The Irving Moskowitz Foundation.
LASD Women's Running Team: Each year the women of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department hosts its annual 120 mile Challenge Cup Relay Race. This annual event provides the opportunity for the Ladies Law Enforcement team to raise funds for a selected worthy charity. These charities mainly benefit the youth who live in high crime, low income areas. The efforts and leadership skills of these local law enforcement participants enable the youth to make constructive life enhancing choices free from the daily influences of gangs, drugs and alcohol.

Therefore, the Moskowitz Foundation contributes towards supporting the team to victory every year.

lasd womens running team